
Region 3B Area Agency on Aging has been instrumental in the development of an elder abuse coalition with a goal of increasing community awareness, coordination of prevention and education activities, and increase reporting of elder abuse in Calhoun and Barry counties. The Calhoun County Elder Abuse Prevention Coalition has grown to more than 90 members representing financial services, senior service providers, law enforcement, adult protective services, advocacy organization, legal services and private sector business leaders.

Thousands of cases of elder abuse are likely to occur each year in Calhoun County, like any other community of our size. Shocked? Almost everyone is. Elder abuse often goes unreported. In fact, only a small fraction of elder abuse incidents are reported each year, leaving the victims at the mercy of their abusers.

Of course, that’s a problem. People don’t often understand or recognize elder abuse. Moreover, they often don’t know what to do when they do identify it.

What is Elder Abuse? Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse’s website for more information (

  • Finance or material exploitation is the illegal or improper use of another’s funds, property, or assets.
  • Physical abuse is the actual or threatened use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain or impairment.
  • Sexual abuse is the non-consensual sexual contact of any kind with an older adult.
  • Emotional or psychological abuse is the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts.
  • Neglect is the refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person’s obligations or duties to an elder. It also include self-neglect that results in the risk of harm or injury.
  • Abandonment is the desertion of a person by an individual who has assumed responsibility for providing care, or by a person with physical custody of an elder.
  • Stealing or withholding medications or food can also qualify as Elder Abuse, exploitation, physical abuse, or neglect.

If you suspect that someone you know is a victim, what should you do? Call the Michigan Adult Protective Services hotline at 1-855-444-3911. All calls are confidential.
More information:
Elder Abuse Information Resources and Brochures:
General Elder Abuse brochure_use legal size paper to print pdf

Financial Brochure (4-3-12)

Home Improvement Brochure

Health Fraud Scams Brochure

Assisting LGBT_Elder_Abuse_clients

APS Trifold brochure

Adult_SPEAK UP Poster


Soc Sec Ident Theft & SS# brochure

MI Model Vulnerable Adult Protocol 2013

Calhoun Protocol Final

Links to Useful Information This word document contains website addresses for a variety of educational information on topics related to elder abuse and scams.

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